Aug 21, 2011

NOTD #28

OPI ~ Dim Sum Plum + KLEANCOLOR ~ Twinkly Love

I love this OPI, it`s a one coater and the color is amazing (the name says it all, it`s plum). I decided to put Twinkly Love top coat on it and the combination didn`t really work out. This top coat, with little hearts in it, made my whole manicure bubbly and because i hate imperfect nails i removed it as soon as i took photos. 
I`ll still publish photos, but please, keep upper words in mind:

I love this top coat but why the hell is the nail polish bubbly? Do you maybe owe it and have the same problem? 
One more thing- those hearts are really hard to apply i mean it`s difficult to get them out of the bottle so it took me some time to get this look.


I`m really glad to have so many followers, thank you all for following and for your kind comments! I`m also preparing a giveaway (Probably when i`ll reach the number 200.).

So stay tuned! :))


  1. waa kolk lepo!!
    a veš kaj pomeni dim sum plum? jaz sem zadnjič v kitajski prašala =)) in mi je povedala da pomeni mali grižlajček slive/vijolične. Zdj mi je lak še bolj všeč! =)

  2. Mancina- A reees? Kok luštno ime <3 Nisem imela pojma kaj pomeni :D

  3. Uuu, kako zanimiv lakec. Nimam pa pojma, zakaj so se pojavili mehurčki.

  4. iii čudoviti nohtki <3
    Kje si pa kupila ta lakec s srčki?

  5. ooo srčki:P ja kok kjut:) škoda, da so nastali mehurčki, ker je res lepa manikura:)

  6. Toooo cute! ♥ Mehurčki so pa res - blah, mogoče je kriva vročina? Ali pa spodnji lak ni bil dovolj suh? Al pa se pač ne marata? :D Čeprav res super izgledata skupaj. ♥

  7. I absolutely love the hearts they are so cute!

  8. Taya- Res je nekaj posebnega ja ;)

    sandryca- na ;)

    Pink_Diamond- Jaz sem tudi full jezna na te mehurčke :S

    Ivana- Ubistvu bi lahko bilo vse od naštetega. Bom naslednič pazila, da spodnji lak čisto posušim in da ne bo zunaj 40 stopinj :D

    Ana- Hvala ;)

    Chloe- Aren˙t they? Love them too!

  9. Yours inspirational pictures always makes me hungry :))) They look so good :)))) :P

  10. ali pa poberi s pinceto srcke iz čopica, jih napopaj gor pa sv preko :D elegantna rešitev

  11. Iiii kok cute so ti srčki zraven :)

  12. CerryBlossom- Hihi, those cookies look delicious :D

    Majek- Uff, ampak zahtevna :D

    Katja- Hvala <3
