Jul 23, 2010


Girls, what shoes are you wearing on this hot sunny weather? I can`t wear high heels and not even sandals. It`s just too hot to be stylish all the time :) My best companions those days are cute flip flops Havaianas. Do you know them? They are made in Brasil and are known as really soft flip flops, which don`t lose their shape and don`t smell. Perfect for summer. I own lilac and white ones. But i`m sure i`ll buy one more pair this summer.
Even celebrities wear them- Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Rachel Bilson etc.


  1. V Celju jih imajo v Rossi sport-u, drugače pa sem ene kupila predlani na morju, v Splitu, ene pa sem naročila preko Asos-a ;)

  2. Hvala! *odleti v Rossi sport* :D

  3. Hihi, no problem! Zdej so še znižane :) Res balzam za nogo.

  4. I don't like flip flops,but yes,most of celebrities wear them.
    Greets! ;)

  5. z metuljčki.. in tiste srebrne <3

  6. Oana R- really? You are probably the only person, i know, who doesn`t like flip flops :)))

    Tinna- te porisane so res super cute!
